
Check the demo of our service

Check the demo of our service

You don't want to register yet? No problem, you can use a demo account to get acquainted with the service we have developed and backend we offer.

Check out the Demo account:


pass: demo

The Demo account is created for reviewing the features, look and feel of the services. It has limitation for changing account info and you can create applications only in sandbox mode. Sandbox mode is decoupled from production services in order to reduce impact of the possible errors during development, has limitation of the request number and get sanitized in given time period.

You can create apps in the Demo account and use API tester for submitting some requests and checking out the statistics. If you want to try services with your own app, it is better to create an account as your app in the Demo account can be manipulated or deleted from other developers.

Create your own account and start exploring services!

We will highly appreciate any feedback and suggestions.

What's next


After the simple initial feature set, we have some plans for improvement. There are lot of things that can be added, but we don’t have the time and funds to build them all at once. We will move step by step with improvement, adding features and get stronger.

Here is a list with next features in our list:

  • Games directory - Public website with listing of games, game description page and public highscore page. Pages will be light and simple and with integrated sharing capabilities.
  • Notifications - Push notifications for anything you can imagine.
  • Customizable content - Storage for additional assets to use on the fly. These can be badges, images, skins, promotional videos etc. This feature can be used for in-app purchasing.
  • User accounts - Giving the end users ability to register themselves and save their progress in the game.
  • OAuth authentication
  • Ranking - Custom ranking with badges. You can create custom achievements and promote the users who have reached them.
  • Leveling - Management of game progress, achievements and leveling with save game feature. Level management can be combined with Customizable content for using different graphics on any level without packing all the images in the installer.

We are live

We are live

After months of planning and development, we finally released the first beta version of our gaming services and are pleased to offer an insight into this product.
At the beginning we launched Scoreboаrd for simple games - save, progress or leveling are not available so far. These and many more features are laid out in the product roadmap.

Our intention is to provide game and mobile developers with robust and scalable, yet simple and easy to use Back-end as a service (BaaS). A number of games within a single account can be managed, with plenty of statistics for end-user activities.

The API is designed to use both JSON and XML data formats. An API tester has been put into place as well. It is flash based and the source is downloadable for reference. In the core of the tester lays an Actionscript SDK to speed up the development. Check out the documentation for more information how the API can be used directly.

In the admin panel, the most important data are available at a glance in your Dashboard. My Applications section allows game management - adding games, modifying their properties, view ranking or download the sample code with SDK. Downloaded SDK will be pre-setup for the current game. Within Statistics, the user interactions can be reviewed.

The services are beta and totally free, so give them a try - sign up and explore the API. You can also register for updates and receive news.

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