Common questions
Question: Do you offer payed services? |
Answer: GameScore services operate in 'beta' mode, that's why we do not offer payed services at this stage. We intend to extend the services we offer to our clients and will most probably introduce some payed ones at a later stage. You can read more about our plans and roadmap in
'Whitepaper' section.
Question: What response formats do you offer for your services? |
Answer: Currently our services provide XML and JSON responses. If you are interested in other formats, you can
contact us. We may add new response formats in the future, so check our
Blog section often
Question: Will you provide back-compatibility for the services? |
Answer: GameScore will provide back-compatibility for all our services, no matter free or payed. Even if the evolution of the services requires versioning, different service versions will have dedicated URLs
Beta options
Question: Will you keep a minimum of free services? |
Answer: Yes, we intend to keep the basic services free. These services will allow you to maintain a simple game or application but will not give you access to the extended options of the payed services.
Question: Will you enhance the free services? |
Answer: We don't have plans for enhancement of the free services at this stage, at least not providing new options. We'll continue to work on the improvement of their speed and reliability and will concentrate on the creation of new services
Question: Do you intend to provide additional payed features/packages in the future? |
Answer: We plan to enhance the number of services, features and packages we offer to our customers. There's no doubt that some or most of these features and packages will be payed, some of them with a possibility for a trial period.
Question: Where can I get acquainted with your future roadmap? |
Answer: You can check the future roadmap in
Whitepaper section. You can also check often our
Blog for the announcement of new features and services, we'll update it regularly.
Question: Why is it 'Beta'? Is there something wrong? |
Answer: GameScore services are still considered 'Beta' because we follow some internal rules for versioning and customer complaints. Once we feel, that we have stable and final version of the services we offer, we'll remove the 'Beta' warning. All in all, Gmail also operated in Beta mode but it didn't make the service less stable or comfortable
Sandbox & Production modes
Question: Do you offer Sandbox mode for tests? |
Answer: GameScore offers Sandbox mode. It is activated per application in Application Profile page of the administration interface.
In this case service URLs are always changed and are accessed via* and not*
Question: I cannot see my statistics info for previous week in Sandbox mode. Why? |
Answer: Currently all data for applications in Sandbox mode is cleared every day, so you can see only real-time statistics. You can set the exact hour when this would happen.
Another limitation for applications in Sandbox mode is the number of requests - it is currently limited to 3000 requests per day.
Question: What's the difference between Sandbox & Production modes? |
Answer: There are 3 main differences between these modes
- url for sandbox mode is* while for production is*
- all data in Sandbox mode is stored for 24 hours only
- usage of Sandbox services is limited to 3000 requests per day
There are no other limitations and services work with the same parameters and in the same manner in both modes
Question: Will I keep my production data if I switch to Sandbox mode for a certain period? |
Answer: Yes, production data is always kept, no matter how often or for how long you have switched to sandbox mode.
Other questions
Question: Is it possible to order specific/modified service? |
Answer: GameScore team offers customization of the provided services. If you need some specific feature, which is not present in the existing services or you need a custom service, please use the
Contact form or the email mentioned there in order to send us the request. A member of GameScore team will contact you shortly.
Question: Do you have demo account, I don't want to register yet |
Answer: You can log in demo account, using the following credentials:
pass: demo
Use this account to get acquainted with the Admin panel for a typical account
Question: Is the demo account fully operational? |
Answer: Demo account has some limitations:
- demo user cannot update it's account information or change password, but these options actions have the 'look and feel' of real ones
- all applications are always created in sandbox mode - in that way you can also check the services we provide
Question: Can I use demo account for tests? |
Answer: Demo account is introduced to make our users get the 'look and feel' of the services and administration module
You can check the services, but using demo account for your tests is definitely not the right thing - demo account is public and everyone can delete your application. Also data for demo account is sanitized once a week.
We encourage our users to make their own accounts - it's free and we don't share our users' information with anyone